Fruit trees around Lake Atitlan Guatemala

If you are an urban dweller like me, you don’t really think about how the food we purchase at the super market is grown.  On my recent trip to Guatemala I saw a pomegranate tree (I thought they grew on … Continued

The Smell of Fresh Bread – Guatemala

Is there anything better than the aroma of bread baking in the oven?  One of our cooks, Carmen bakes bread that makes your mouth water – especially when it is covered with her home-made blackberry preserves.  Breakfasts at our Casa … Continued

The View from our Casa in Lake Atitlan

The view from our Casa in Lake Atitlan in Guatemala is constant but ever-changing based on the light and time of day.  The landscape is calming yet awe inspiring.  The lake was created 65,000 years ago when a massive eruption … Continued

Art in Istanbul

Today I treated myself to a day filled with wonderful art and visual delights. I started with a visit to Chora Church which hosts beautiful Byzantium style mosaics and frescos. Naturally, the mosaics and frescos depict themes and recordings from … Continued

Exploring Instanbul’s Palaces

Day 3: Exploring Instanbul’s Palaces June 12 Two places remained on my list of sites to see again during this visit to Istanbul — Topkapi Palace and the Archeological Museum. I had hoped that the long-awaited renovation of the palace … Continued